Thursday, September 22, 2011

Berlin marathon day minus 3

It's three days , until my next marathon.
This time a return to Berlin for my 18th marathon, in a great city.
Hopefully the weather is dryer than last years consistent rain until 15-16 miles or so, splash splash heavy rain so much that I wore one of those poncho things for 10 miles plus.
The latest BBC weather forecast for Berlin states 20degrees and sunny.
More pleasant then consistent rain, especially for spectators.
This year the marathon will also be shown on BBC 2 in the UK - probably because my running hero and national treasure Paula Radcliffe is running.

Once again I am fundraising for the Nightingale House Hospice in Wrexham.

And big thanks to everyone who has donated so far, the hospice and staff do a wonderful caring job.

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